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Cottage Musings for July

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It’s hard to believe that it’s already August but here we are for another cottage musings for July. In a blink of an eye this summer is almost over and soon we’ll be talking about fall.

We’ve had another busy month and it doesn’t look like we’re going to slow down anytime soon. That’s ok with me though because, even though we’re always busy with some kind of project, I enjoy every minute of it. I love what I do.

Projects – The powder room is still at the top of the priority list but I’ve been doing a little side project in the sunroom. I want to do a whole makeover in this room but I’m going to try to do this one in phases. I’ve been working on phase 1 and I’ll reveal what’s going on in there next week.

Celebrating an anniversary and a change in the sunroom for Cottage Musings for July.

Celebrating – The end of June was the 4th anniversary of Chatfield Court. We were so busy with the powder room that I completely forgot about it. It’s not such a big deal that it needs to be celebrated, but I do like to take that time to thank all of you, my loyal readers. Without you, this blog would be nothing.

I have really enjoyed getting to know you all and I always look forward to the comments and emails that I get after every post. It’s so hard to hit that publish button not knowing if anyone cares or if they’re even reading (even after 4 years of blogging). You never disappoint me though, and always leave a few kind words and fill me in one what you’re doing. It’s truly the highlight of my day! I love that you take the time to not only read but comment. Thank you so much!

So, as a big thank you, I’m offering a little giveaway. Make sure you enter at the end of the post.

Celebrating an anniversary and my issues with our garden for Cottage Musings for July.

Gardening – Our experimental garden is doing eh…ok. We were finally able to snag a few cherry tomatoes before the chipmunks got to them, but that’s about all we’ve gotten. We’ve learned a few things from this test and plan to move the garden out in the middle of the yard next year, where it will get more sunlight. Our yard doesn’t get a lot of sun, because of the huge oak trees all around, so it’s tough to get anything to grow. We’ll see if we can do better next year.

Celebrating our successful cherry tomatoes and an anniversary in this Cottage Musings for July.

*Affiliate links used. Please see my Disclosure Policy for more info.

What I’m reading – Thanks so much for all of your book recommendations last month. Unfortunately, I still haven’t picked up a book. We’ll be going on vacation in September so I hope to get some good reading in while we’re away.

What we’re watching – We are huge Game of Thrones fans and it hasn’t disappointed. Unfortunately there’s only 6 episodes this season so we’re enjoying it all while we can. Do you watch?

What I’m eating – I’ve recently started a vegetarian diet and have been doing really well. I’ve never been a huge meat eater so it wasn’t a big step for me. Hubs, on the other hand, has been trying but it’s been a little harder for him. To each his own. I’ve also been drinking a super easy and dlicious smoothie every morning for more than a year, which I’ll share on the blog soon.

What I’m loving – I wrote about this before but it’s something I love and still use everyday so I thought I’d share again. It’s Burt’s Bees Tinted Lip Balm, in Red Dahlia. I love that it adds a hint of color and shine while it moisturizes my lips, and it’s only $5. I never leave home without it. Love!

I’m still loving these shoes, too. I shared them this spring and they have become a comfy favorite.

Caught my eye – I am addicted to Pinterest (you can follow me here) and, since I have to paint my new front door, I’ve been pinning a lot doors to get ideas. I especially love this one and this one. Still thinking about it but I hope to tackle this project soon.

Yum! – I have been on a brussels sprouts kick lately (vegetarian diet, remember?) and I’ve been loving this recipe. You can never go wrong with honey and balsamic!

Hope you have a great week, friends!


  1. Definitely Home Depot since the closest Home Goods is approximately 100 miles away; thank you for the opportunity to enter this drawing and congratulations!

  2. Marilyn Bowers says:

    I subscribed. I would choose Home Depot. Love following your blog.

  3. Home Goods! I’m creating an office space in our guest room and would love a few fresh accessories to brighten it up!

  4. I’d choose HomeGoods. Still looking for the perfect piece to pull our living room together! I started following you a year or so ago probably? We had JUST downsized from 5,000 square feet to 2,000 and the scale of our current home had me stumped! I used a lot of the ideas on your blog to “switch gears” in my head and am working toward creating a fresh and comfy look in our current home. Always a work in progress . . .

  5. I subscribed! Thank you for the opportunity!

  6. I would choose homegoods!

  7. I love that room by the way so bright and pretty and I Love the new chandalier. It’s a hard choice but I would use the card at home goods because there are a few things my son needs for university. I am a subscriber and have been for a long time. Love your blog!!

  8. Vontreva Gammel says:

    I’ve only been a subscriber for a few days! Love it so far, I could use a Home Depot gift card, since we don’t have the other out here in the boonies!

  9. Hi …I love your posts and HomeGoods ..my go to store.. Already a subscriber ..& love your new sunroom ..looks like a fun place to hangout!!

  10. Jacki Salinas says:

    I’m already a subscriber!

  11. Jacki Salinas says:

    I would choose Home Depot for my never ending list of projects. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  12. Hello from Iowa! Have been reading your blog for a while and enjoy reading about all your ambitious projects. I would enjoy spending a gift cerificate at either store. Thanks a million!

  13. Congrats on 4 years!! I’ve enjoyed following along on IG (honey.and.thyme) and just now subscribed to your email list as well! 🙂

    I’d pick HomeGoods! Second favorite store after Target. 😉

    1. Thanks so much Annaka, for subscribing and for following me on IG. 🙂

  14. Thanks for the generous give-away <3 I came over from Facebook. I guess I would pick Home Goods since I never allow myself to indulge there & that would be so much fun!
    Smiles, DianeM

  15. I would hopefully be able to choose Home Goods. I think I find something for our home every time I go.
    Love all your decorating and home projects. You give me great inspiration for all my projects.

  16. I know everyone loves Home Goods, but we don’t have one close by 🙁
    Therefore, I’d love a Home Depot gift card. It will help with our upcoming laundry room spruce-up.

  17. angela eagle says:

    I read the whole “last kingdom” series by Bernard Cornwell if you like Game of Thrones you might like these.
    Don’t try growing brussel sprouts they are very hard to grow. I would like Home Depot please. I am a subscriber.

  18. Hi there! I am a new email subscriber, though I have been following you on Bloglovin’ for some time.

    I love both Home Depot and HomeGoods, but since there is no HomeGoods in my area, I would choose Home Depot. When I visit my son in Connecticut, a trip to HomeGoods is always on my agenda.

    Happy Blog Anniversary!

  19. Susan Christy says:

    I’d choose Home Depot. Lots of projects to finish before I can set foot inside HomeGoods! haha

  20. Found your blog today via French Country Cottage. It was fun to see what you’ve been up to. Love the Ottoman in the sun room! Happy blog-birthday???? if I should win I’d choose home depot.

    Can’t wait to see how the rest of the room congress out!

    ~ Emily from So Sunny Day

  21. Karen Nichols says:

    I’m not sure how many years I’ve been following you, but congrats on 4 years! I subscribe to the newsletter and just followed you on Pinterest (I thought I already did, but just noticed it wasn’t checked). Home Depot would be awesome as we have much to remodel.

    1. Thanks so much for subscribing Karen, and for following me on Pinterest! I appreciate it. 🙂

  22. Rae Endreola says:

    Just moved back into my condo. Would love Home Depot for some needed touch-ups! Thanks!

  23. WooHoo! I’m a frequent flyer at both. No way to go wrong, but I think I’d choose Home Goods – it’s just a little more fun! Thanks for all the good reads. Suzanne

  24. Congratulations on your 4 year anniversary Kristi! Wow, your door board on Pintrest has some beauties, love all those blues!
    I really enjoy the cottage projects that you share with us here, on FB, & Instagram! I also truly appreciate how you take the time to respond to comments I leave. As you mentioned above, it’s nice to know I am not having a one-way conversation. I would choose the Home Depot gift card. I have to buy some outdoor stain, Thompson’s water seal and supplies for my outdoor to do list! Again congratulations on 4 years, and keep the great content coming!!! Thank you Kristi

  25. Alice Binford says:

    I just started following your blog. Enjoying it! I would love Home Depot. Thank you for the chance to win a gift card.

  26. oh, those pesky little chipmunks!! we have them here too, up in your old stomping grounds in northern illinois. i have been a reader for the past couple years and don’t know why i’ve never subscribed but i just signed up tonight. my husband and i love to DIY in our little cottage so the home depot card would be put to good use. i really enjoy your blog because i learn so much. thanks for all the knowledge you pass on to your readers…….kathie

    1. Hi Kathie! Love to hear from another fellow cottage DIYer. Thanks so much for following along. 🙂

  27. Hi, Kristi. Thanks for this fun Giveaway. I would love to give Home Goods a whirl!

  28. already a subscriber!

  29. I love to read your blog! I would choose Home Goods gift card, I can never leave that store without something!

  30. Hi, Kristi! Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I am a subscriber and enjoy your postings very much! Thanks for the contest and the opportunity to win! If chosen, I would love the Home Depot gift certificate! Good luck with the vegan diet; the brussel sprouts recipe looks amazing and I will have to try it!

  31. I am already an subscriber to your emails which I absolutely LOVE! As for the Giveaway I would choose The Home Depot cause there’s no Home Good store around me. You always come up with GREAT IDEAS, and your Creative mind is truly a gift. Keep up the GREAT Work..

  32. I am already an subscriber to your emails which I absolutely LOVE! As for the Giveaway I would choose Home Depot cause there’s no Home Good store around me. You always come up with GREAT IDEAS, and your Creative mind is truly a gift. Keep up the GREAT Work..

    1. Awww, thanks so much for your sweet comment, Jenny. It really made my day! Thanks you, too for being a subscriber and for following along.

  33. Melanie Mixon says:

    I prefer Home Depot to HomeGoods! Since I usually repurpose things from thrift stores and garage sales, I seldom buy from HomeGoods, but it does have pretty things!

  34. Melanie Mixon says:

    Hi! I am a subscriber already.

  35. Lou Ann Clifton says:

    I have enjoyed reading your blog. We did the same thing turning a closet into a bathroom, it was the biggest closet in the house, We watch game of thrones and had a kitten hang out at our house and she is a Hemingway cat and we named her Arya and the perfect name for her. The chance to win a gift card of any store would be GREAT.

  36. Judy Wille says:

    Congratulations on your 4 years. I receive your emails. I am an older diy selfer, painting and upholstering furniture and I really enjoy the younger generation doing what I used to do when I was younger. I love to read about new tips that I would not have thought to do. Keep up with the great information. Oh and I would take the Home Depot gift just because I can get more items from there to do the project s I need to get done. Thanks again!

  37. Patty Arriaga says:

    I am already a subscriber. Let me just say that my choice would be home depot! I love that place! I could spend as time in there as others spend at the mall… Just saying! Lol

  38. Lorraine Gangsei says:

    I would be thrilled with either but will choose Home Depot for home projects or plants. Always a new hydrangea out there.

  39. I’m a total #homegoodshappy girl! I’m in the market for a large rug for my kitchen & some small picture frames….and probably any blue &white pieces that always manage to find their way in my cart! The gift card would be amazing! I’ve been following on IG for a while & just stated reading your blog & just signed up for emails! I llove your classic, fresh & traditional style…a lady after my own heart!


  40. Congratulations on 4 years! I love your home. It is so cozy. I would love a HomeGoods gift card.

  41. Paula Appel says:

    Congratulations & Happy Anniversay !!
    If I were to win, I would choose Home Depot.
    Happy Blogging ! ☺

  42. Congratulations on being successful in your business for 4 years. That’s quite an accomplishment! I have been following you for awhile now and really enjoy reading about your projects. I live in a small home myself, so I am always looking for new ideas. I have been so impressed with your efforts to turn a small closet into a bathroom. Can’t wait to see the results. Although I am a big fan of Home Goods, I would probably choose Home Depot right now as I have a number of projects to accomplish myself! Thanks for the opportunity!

  43. Congrats on 4 years of blogging, Kristi! I also wouldn’t have a very hard time giving up meat, but my hubby would “raise a stink” if I pushed the vegetarian thing too hard, haha. I will enjoy seeing your smoothie recipe. And I’ve been using the tinted Burt’s Bees for ages, too, and love it!
    Thanks for a chance at the giveaway. I’d go with HomeGoods for sure!

  44. I am a long time blog subscriber.

  45. Happy Anniversary!
    I think I would chose a Home Goods gift card if I won!

  46. Marlene Stephenson says:

    I am new and not sure i deserve to enter but i love Home Goods. I love your musings and will be glad to see the closet finished.

    1. Everyone is welcome here Marlene! 🙂 Thanks for subscribing and best of luck with the giveaway!

  47. Christi Wallander says:

    I left a comment just now and I don’t think it worked. I love your blog — got hooked with your beautiful kitchen windows! I would choose Home Depot because I need an orbital sander.

    1. No worries Christi. When you comment for the first time, I need to approve it before you can see it on the blog. Thanks so much for your entry. 🙂

  48. Christi Wallander says:

    I enjoy your blog very much. I would choose Home Depot — I need a new sander.

  49. Jenny Gebhardt says:

    Kristi, I would prefer Home Goods. My husband and I are just finishing the remodeling of our basement for the 6 grandchildren we received within 5 years! Congrats on your anniversary!
    I have been subscribed to your blog via email for quite a loooong time.

    1. Wow, 6 grandchildren…that’s awesome! Congrats! Thanks so much for being a longtime follower. 🙂

  50. Annette Rinehart says:

    It would be Home Depot, because we do not have a Home Goods close to where we live.

  51. Debra Schramm says:

    I’m already a subscriber!

  52. I’m already a subscriber!

  53. Debra Schramm says:

    Definitely Home Goods! Having a gift certificate would be the perfect excuse to go shop there!

  54. Peggy Duncan says:

    I am an email subscriber.

  55. Peggy Duncan says:

    Thank you. I would prefer Home Depot gift card!

  56. Also, I have been a subscriber of your for a long time and always enjoy your posts!

  57. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary!! If I won, I would love a Home Goods gift certificate! I could definitely use some nice dinnerware or glasses for my kitchen! Thanks for such a sweet and thoughtful giveaway opportunity!

  58. I literally just found you! I came because of your old shower cutain cleaning post haha. Thank you! I’m subscribing! I love your style. I also love the vase your sunflowers are in!!

    Home goods would probably help is more, we are a still in an apartment and can only do so much.

    Thanks again! Congrats on the 4 years, and I’ll let ya know how the shower curtain turns out haha.

  59. Pat DonBrosky says:

    I check in with you ALL the time. You and your husband are very particular and do a beautiful job on all your projects. My favorite paint color is the dark teal. Ben Moore also has one called Tarrytown Green you might like. Either would be beautiful against the brick, especially with the brass accents shown on Pinterest.. I would choose Home Depot, it’s my second home!

  60. Hi! Congrats on your anniversary. I recently started following your blog and I am enjoying your posts.
    If I did win, I would like the Home Goods prize as my daughter and her husband are buying my house
    and we are adding an in law apt. for me. My husband said shopping is one of my favorite hobbies.

  61. Home Goods for me 🙂 I am a subscriber

  62. I have been a passionate follower for a long time. I started when you were re-doing your kitchen in your house in IL. I comment nearly every time you post because I love what you do and can relate to your small home. I would choose Home Goods because I’ve been doing some updating (lots of stuff already from Home Depot) and in some rooms am ready for “pretty.” I need bedroom lamps badly and I know they would have some I would like. I love the dark Teal paint for your front door. It would really make a statement against the cottage stone. Can’t wait to see the bath and closet reveals.

    1. I enjoy reading your comments Pat, and thank you for your loyal support. It means so much to me. 🙂

  63. Karen K from Buffalo says:

    I have been a subscriber & I would have to say Home Goods is my favorite! Can’t wait for the powder room updates & congratulations on FOUR years of blogging!!

  64. I started following you when you were just preparing to leave Chicago for you move to South Carolina and have been a subscriber since then. I envy you.(I live outside Chicago).to be able to live in a warmer location and your wonderful choice of your beautiful new home. It has all that lovely character and you have already brought so much new life to it. Love following your blog to see what else you have been up to. If I should happen to be chosen for the gift card either one would be just fine…each store has things I could use. 🙂

  65. I am a new follower. I have been enjoying all of your updates to this cute house. I am looking forward to the bathroom and closet reveal! Love your blog. I would choose home goods. I love that store.

  66. Vegetarian? I was vegetarian for years. I have tons of cookbooks but my favorite is the first one I bought. My husband brought it home from the library and I ended up buying it because there was so much information and fabulous recipes. You can have the Brussel sprouts, yuck! Never found a recipe that made them taste good. LOL. I am already a subscriber and I would chose the Home Depot card since I have so many projects that need to be done when I get the funds.

    1. I’m not sure…who are you again?
      Just kidding, my friend. Thanks so much for your loyal support these past years. I’ve enjoyed your comments and getting to know more about you. And yes…vegetarian. 😉

  67. I’ve been subscribed to Chatfield Court for quite some time. I would choose HomeGoods so I could add to my white dish collection.

  68. Carol L. Taylor says:

    Really pretty pictures. I enjoy shopping at Home Goods. So that would be my choice. Thanks so much for offering a giveaway. What a treat. Look forward to your next post.

  69. I would use it at The Home Depot because that is one of my favorite places. All the wood just smells good when you walk through the door!

  70. Sue Kistler says:

    I love getting your email updates! Entry #1 please. And Home Goods just opened a brand new store I spotted in North Myrtle Beach this weekend- would love to go back to shop at the beach with a gift card- Entry #2 🙂 I could update my sunroom with some fun decor! Happy Anniversary!

  71. Hello Kristi,
    I’m already a follower of yours. I am amazed how you are turning a closet into a powder room! I can’t wait to see the final reveal ???? I’d love a Homegoods gift card please, there are always many things there to choose from!
    Have a Blessed Day!

  72. First, thank you for the give away. I am a current subcriber. Very hard choice of which store for the gift card. I will have to say Home Depot cause there is always a project going on. Thanks again. Take care

  73. I am an email subscriber too!

  74. Happy 4th blog Anniversary! I really love your style, and find so much inspiration from your posts. Thank you so much for the giveaway, I would choose Home Goods 🙂

  75. Brenda, Florida says:

    Hi Young Lady! Congrats on 4 years b. I love the blog, and can’t wait to see what’s coming every week. Being the on the practical side, I would choose Home Depot. I need a new 100 foot hose and 3 cans of rust-oleum bronze to paint my bistro set, then I will proceed to recover the seats, so I might need a staple gun. The list goes on and on doesn’t it? Have a great week.

    1. So true, it is never-ending, Brenda! 😉

      Thanks so much for your support and for commenting!

  76. Jo Donaghy says:

    Congrats on 4 years. I think I found you about 2 years ago and although I rarely comment, I love to read about all your projects and I love the photo’s. I have been drooling over that round cutting board for ages.
    A Home Goods store is opening a few miles from here next month so I would choose Home Goods.

    1. Ohhhh, a new HomeGoods…how exciting! Thanks so much for following along Jo, I appreciate it!

  77. Always following. Home Depot for sure, our vent/microwave just broke. LOL

  78. chris tucker says:

    kristi, i have been a subscriber for some time and if i am lucky enough to win, home depot please because we do not have a home goods. i remember how bad i felt for you after more than a year remodeling the kitchen in your old home, you sold that house quickly and didn’t get to enjoy the new kitchen, but you have worked your magic in this cute cottage, and turned it into a wonderful home and i loved it when you painted the window frames black, it really jazzed it up. xx

    1. Awww, thanks so much. Yes, it was very sad leaving our last home but I know that the person who bought it really loved what we did, and I know she will enjoy it. It still stings a bit though. 😉 We are having fun putting our stamp on this house. Thanks for following along.

  79. Home Depot for me! I’m moving and it will come in handy to purchase white paint for the kitchen cabinets in my “new to me” home.

  80. I am a follower of yours as well!

  81. Congratulations on your for your anniversary- love your blog! Home Goods , please!

  82. I do enjoy your blog. I like your clean crisp style which I am working on having a bit more of in my decor. I would definitely choose Home Goods because we are in an apartment right now and I have never bought everything that I see there that I love. So that’s it for me. I also am already a follower of yours.

  83. Home Goods never disappoints and I’ve been wanting some extra white serving dishes. I’m new to your blog and love it!!

  84. Well, congratulations, Kristi! Four years is a long time to blog and you do it very well. I am always awed by your decor and your very ingenious ideas. What a great giveaway…I would choose Home Depot, because I am a DIY addict and come fall, I have a long list of projects. I am an email subscriber as well! And enjoy those veggies, we’re giving it a whirl around here, too. My kids are suddenly vegans. I can’t go that far, but I am ok so far without the meat!

    1. Thanks so much, my friend. Starting this blog has given me the chance to meet so many awesome people, like you. I appreciate your friendship and support.

      My youngest has been vegan/vegetarian for more than 10 years so we’ve been exposed to it before. We’ve had plenty of vegan holidays in our house (no turkey for Thanksgiving). It definitely takes some getting used to, but it’s not bad.

  85. Carol Peterson says:

    .Have been following your blog for some time. And am happy whenever I find an update of your progress. I appreciate your stamina to take yet another house to make your creative mark upon in making it your home. It is inspiring to see your ideas come to reality.

    Either HomeGoods or Home Depot would be fun to spend a gift card on.

    1. I think I would probably use the Home Depot certificate the most. Always thinking up another project. I am already a member of your blog. I always read it right away.

      1. I forgot to ask you what are those white flowers?

        1. Hi Rose! The white flower is a hydrangea. We found them in our local park. Unfortunately, mine didn’t do that well this year. Thanks for entering! 🙂

    2. Thanks so much Carol, I appreciate your support. 🙂

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