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We’re Moved In…Finally! (plus a video)

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Well, we’ve officially moved into the new house! All of our belongings are out of the storage unit and the apartment that we’ve been renting the past three months and it’s the first time since March that everything is under one roof.

It’s a huge relief to have all of the craziness of this move from our Illinois house to North Carolina behind us.

Now the real fun begins, which means finding a place for all of our stuff and turning our new house into the comfortable home that we envisioned when we first saw it.

We are finally moved into our little stone cottage in North Carolina. www.chatfieldcourt.com
Plans for the living room in our new house. www.chatfieldcourt.com

We, well I, have a ton of ideas already and, once my two sprained ankles and broken foot heals I’ll get to work.

I took a fall down our deck stairs a few days after we closed and hurt myself pretty good. It’s not the best time to get hurt but I’m just thankful that it wasn’t worse.

Plans for the guest bedroom in our new house. www.chatfieldcourt.com

Foot issues aside, there is so much I want to fill you in on.

I want to share our project plans for each room as well as inspiration for all of the ideas I have for the house both inside and out, because there’s a lot to do outside, too.

Plans for the kitchen in our new house. www.chatfieldcourt.com

Because you need one pretty spot among all of the chaos…

Decorating with orchids in the new kitchen. www.chatfieldcourt.com

Before we get into all of that, though, I thought I’d share a quick little (unedited) video of the house just a few days after we moved in.

There’s no decorating done but our large pieces are in place…for now. And it may look like all of my boxes are unpacked but no such luck.

They are in the basement, which is a total disaster area. Anyway, here’s our little stone cottage on day 5 after the big move.




  1. Kristi I loved your video—I love the looks of cottage homes—I always looking for new decor and ideas—hope you love NC nothing like the South—hope you better soon Good luck

    1. Thanks so much, Doris! I appreciate you stopping in!

  2. Just found your blog and am so excited to continue reading about your journey in your new home. Just downsized five months ago to a three-bedroom ranch and still working on finding a place for things or passing them on to others. Will also need to remodel my kitchen and bathroom. Love your casement windows in your kitchen and dining areas! Congratulations to you on finding such a charming home!

    1. Hi Teresa and welcome! So glad you found us! We’ve been in our cottage for 1 1/2 years and we’re still trying to get used to our small space. I am enjoying it though and we are working hard to make it our own. Congrats to you on your new home. Hope you’ll come back and share your downsizing adventures. Best of luck to you!

    1. Thanks, Suzy! I’m so glad that we are here and that I’ve found a friend in you. 🙂

  3. Ana Maria says:

    Love your new house, especially the all-white kitchen! Love the white appliances! Take care of yourself first, you’ll have time for decorating when your ankles and foot have healed.

    1. Thanks so much, Ana Maria, we love the kitchen too. Just cleaning it up made a huge difference. Some day we’ll remodel, closeup you can see that it needs it, but it’s perfectly fine for now.

  4. Your new house has such curb appeal and looks so charming. I can’t wait to see what you do with it. I’m so sorry you hurt your ankles and foot. Try to take care of yourself and not over do it. I know that’s hard to do when you are trying to move into a new house. I wish you a speedy recovery!!!

    1. Thanks, Shannon! You are so right, it is hard to take it easy when there is so much to do but I’m trying. 😉 I appreciate you stopping by to take the tour and for your well wishes.

  5. Hi Kristi! I love the house! Yes, it’s small, but it is really cute and cozy! I love the windows and the views are beautiful!
    After weeks of spraying organic deer deterrent and finally seeing some tiger lilies it rained last night. You guessed it, I didn’t spray in the morning figuring I could do it when I got home. By the time I got home the tiger lilies were gone! I sprayed again because I see some buds they didn’t get. Hopefully I will see some blooms again. Well that’s my rant. I love seeing deer in my yard, but they are destructive!
    Take care of those ankles, we are counting on you to show us your great decorating ideas! Hope to see more soon!
    Rest and speedy recovery, friend!

    1. Hi, MJ. So nice to hear from you, my friend. The house is definitely cozy but we are adjusting. We came from a small house so I know what it’s like but trying to fit our belongings in a new small space was a bit scary at first. Three closets for all of our stuff is tough to swallow. Thank goodness we have some space in the basement.

      So sorry that the deer at your flowers. I’ve heard that they are quite destructive.

      Thanks again for stopping in and I hope you have a great 4th. 🙂

  6. Brenda/Florida says:

    Hi: I’m with the rest of the pack! Love the cottage and the video. The kitchen windows are my fav and I would have my African Violets on the sill. I hope you keep the island. I’m sure you will paint it. In the mean time, take care of yourself and don’t try to do to much. (Don’t I sound like your mother?) PS – Where is the driveway and is it a drive in basement?


    1. Thanks, Brenda. So glad that you enjoyed the video. The kitchen is our favorite spot in the whole house. I really wanted the island and had to negotiate twice in order to get it. I have plans to fix it up a bit and can’t wait to start.

      Thanks for stopping by today to take the tour.

      BTW, the driveway is on the side of the house and the garage is under (the house), part of the basement. If there seems to be enough interest, I’d be happy to do a video of the outside.

  7. You must be so relieved and I do recall you’d had a fall when you were moving to make it even more complicated. Enjoy your new home! 🙂

    1. Thanks! We are relieved, Deb, and ready to clean and fix her up. She needs a lot of both. 😉

  8. Kristi,
    Love the video. Thank you for sharing. Can’t wait to see how this sweet house evolves with your style. I too am in NC and live on the coast.

    1. Thanks for the welcome, Patricia. We are really loving North Carolina and having fun exploring all there is to see and do. I’m so glad you enjoyed the video. Thanks for watching!

  9. I was just thinking about you yesterday and this morning there is a post. 🙂 The video was fantastic. Really gives you a feel for the house. I can see why you fell in love with this house.

    I did not realize you broke your foot. 🙁 I thought you just sprained it. I broke my foot a few years back and I hate to tell you it took a long time to stop hurting when I stood or walked a lot on it. It still aches a little in cold damp weather.

    Excited to see the progress on the remodel in the future. I have postponed my house hunt until the first of next year.

    1. Your home is lovely and has nice bones; the wood floors, casement windows, stone, and views.

      Where did you get the woven shades? I have the blinds (like the ones that you kept) throughout my house. After 10 years, some of them are looking sad. The woven shades are a nice change.

      I hope your foot feels better soon. Looking forward to your plans for your home as we decide what colors to paint and how to upgrade ours.

      1. Thanks, Karen, we love our new home and can’t wait to get started fixing her up.

        I got my woven shades from Blinds.com. I used them in our Illinois house and I really love everything about them, plus they were the least expensive choice. I love to use woven shades because they add warmth and texture to a room…plus I really hate cleaning blinds. 😉

        Thanks for stopping in and watching our video.

    2. Thanks, Debbie. I was all ready to start my projects and get back to blogging but my fall put a stop to that. I broke the same foot almost three years ago so I know that it takes a long time to heal. Doing what I can until that happens.

      Sorry you had to postpone your house hunt. I’m sure you’ll find “the one” when the time is right. 🙂

  10. I love your little house soooo much. You’re so lucky to have found it. I live alone, so the “small” size doesn’t bother me at all – it’s so cozy and tidy. Can’t wait to see what you do with it. The outside is like a cottage in the woods. I’ll say it again, I love it so much!

    1. Awww, thanks so much, Pat. We are loving it too. So happy that we found our little cottage and anxious to get some projects started. 😉

  11. Nice place. Can’t wait for future blogs.

    1. Thanks, Rose. I’m excited to share our plans and projects.

  12. Yikes, you’re kind of hampered from doing anything major for a while! Sorry about your tumble! Your cottage is cute as a button and I can’t wait to see what magic you have in store.

    1. Thanks, Donna! Yes, a little blip in the plan but I’m doing little things here and there. Gotta stay busy…even if it’s just making plans! 😉

  13. I love the video! How fun, feel better and congrats!!

  14. Love your new home, Kristi! The kitchen is to die for, and the view is breathtaking. Can’t wait to see the makeover. But first take care of those sprained ankles

    1. Thanks Nancy. I’m trying to take it easy but it’s so hard to sit around when there’s so much to do. 😉 I’m ready to get things started. Thanks for stopping in and taking the tour.

  15. I’m looking forward to the next stage. The house is full of character and light, the garden looks lovely, I can understand why you fell in love with this house.
    Take care of yourself.

    1. Thanks so much! We love the house a little more each day and we’re excited to start making it our own.

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